In line with the requirements under your insurance policy you must notify all incidents occurring which may give rise to a claim.
We have demonstrated that early intervention of the claims process is key to reducing the overall claims cost. Our investigator will make immediate contact and in agreement with you, where necessary, will carry out an investigation and obtain all information which insurers deem relevant should a claim arise at a later stage.
Our ethos is to avoid long tail liability where possible by expediently admitting or denying liability and avoiding costly court cases where settlements could have been made by both parties outside the court system.
Where liability claims are long tail in nature this continues to affect your claims experience and increase your premiums at each renewal until settled. Where claims can be settled in the year in which they are made this reduces the long term impact on your premiums.
AIS Delivers:
- In depth investigation of all circumstances
- Proactive claims handling
- Reduction in life cycle of claim
- Reduction in claim spend
To find out more about our Services please contact our Hull office on +44 (0) 148 257 9500 or our Leeds office on +44 (0) 113 244 2288, or fill out the form below: